Friday, May 7, 2010

What Not To Do As A Father! - Sing YMCA

This happened in 2003 when Ashe (2nd from left) attended a JCI Malaysia Area Sabah Dinner which had a Karaoke competition. Witnessed to this was my borther-in-laws Julz (toilet brush hair) and Jus.

The Karaoke competition worked out well until they called me up to be the guest singer while the judges calculated the points (I was oviously "over qualified" to compete). I decided to sing "YMCA" by the Village People. It was pretty bad but I thought the guests enjoyed. I was worse than this guys!!!

When I went back to the table Ashe was balling her eyes out of embarrassment. So I knew I had something here !!


  1. OMG... I remember that night. Ash was traumatised! But yeah, you did better than the youtube!

  2. And that was because you were doing a solo. The "marching" number that you did, incredible!

  3. Pls don't let her see this post!

  4. Ok Cin will show it to her tomorrow & happy mothers day to you and Angeline!!!
